Many of you subscribing to this blog probably already know J.C. Hutchins from 7th Son. I still remember when I was listening to his submission and literally freezing at my computer when I heard the opening line of Descent. From that point on, I tracked with Hutch’s techno-thriller and was honored to kick off 7th Son: Obsidian with my short story, “Miles to Go Before I Sleep.”
I also track Hutch on Twitter, and when he announced that the cover for St. Martins Press’ print release of 7th Son was live on his site, I eagerly followed the link…
Not what I expected.
Hutch was happy though. He really liked the cover, and I supported Hutch’s opinion. I have heard many authors bitch, moan, and complain about their covers, but Hutch was all a squee. I stood by that. His book, his cover. He should be happy. Besides, writers rarely (if ever) get a say on the cover when you’re at the level Hutch is playing at. These are the New York types, after all. The big kahunas of publishing. They know a good cover when they hand one to you. They get the best designers, the best artists, and the best marketing minds together to really make a book leap out and scream “BUY ME NOW!”
These same New York types will also tell you “People don’t judge a book by its cover…” and “The story will sell the book…” I’ve heard both, and more.
My friend was happy with the cover. That’s what really mattered.
Today, I caught Hutch thanking people for their feedback on a new 7th Son: Descent cover. Wait — a new cover? Curious, I clicked on the link, and this haunting image stole my breath away…
Mind-blown and psy-jacked by this totally hot artwork, I called Hutch to congratulate him on scoring a “Sweet as Frak” book cover.
The original artwork for the 7th Son podcast shares a lot in common with this new look for Descent. Seen at Hutch’s website, the podcast artwork was minimalistic, and captured with the DNA strands the twists and turns our heroes experience across three books. With this cover, St. Martins’ Press returns to that motif. I see from this cloning chamber many tubes connected, mirroring all the connections seven strangers discover with one another; and how their connections all lead back to John Alpha and the chaotic revenge he ensues. I don’t know if that’s intentional, but that’s what I see.
This cover doesn’t just leap out at you. This cover jumps in front of you, bitch-slaps you, and make you say “I’m a pretty girl.” I totally grok this cover, and I can tell you that the story between the covers is even more mind-bending.
I think, from the tweets and talking to Hutch today, he likes the cover too. A lot.
Again, Hutch — congratulations. This is a stunning cover from St. Martins Press, and I look forward to when you sign my copies (yeah, that’s right — copies) of your epic thriller.