I can’t stop staring at planes when they fly overhead.
It’s been a long day, but with the Blogging class done I feel as if I can finally focus on what’s next. When I finish the chapter tonight I will be two chapters short of the end of All a Twitter. I have a very good feeling about it, on a lot of levels.
I’m also trying to wrap my brain around the New Zealand trip. I’m going as a guest of LIANZA and Conscription. Still waiting to hear from Te Papa, but anything from this point is gravy.
No, I still can’t believe I’m really doing this.
Before I forget — would you really sharp developers stop upgrading your Twitter clients? Please? The stuff you’re doing is frightfully wicked-cool, but it is making All a Twitter impossible to write. No more upgrades until 2010. Okay?
I wonder how much Twhirl has changed now.
And I can’t stop thinking about airplanes…