Yes, I’m planning to put together my thoughts, particularly for the incredible generosity you all are showing me and Sonic Boom; but right now, I’m focusing on the house. My house. Sonic Boom’s house. We have to make it a home.
So for everyone who asked me “What can I do to help?” here’s where I’m calling in your generous offers. If you are in the Washington D.C.-Metro area or think you can get here, I’m opening my home to people who want to help me in what I know is going to be the toughest part I have to face right now: reclaiming the house.
If you can be here on January 23, I’m going to need people to box stuff, move stuff, evaluate and decorate, and clean, clean, clean. I’ll be feeding folks afterwards and (weather permitting) I’ll be lighting a fire for everyone to enjoy. If you can make it, please RSVP me at tee (at) no later than January 20 so I can make plans effectively and know how many to expect.
If you can’t make it, you can always visit The Boom Effect, and place a bid or donate something for the cause. However, Many of you have already given, have already made a difference. For me, for my daughter, I can’t thank you enough.
So let me know if you’ll be here, and thank you in advance.